Logiscool 共同創辦人,Anita Breuer 登上 Business Woman 雜誌頭版


Logiscool 共同創辦人暨執行長 Anita Breuer 最近登上了 Business Woman 的封面。這本國際雜誌專注在報導女性主導的業務,從教育到旅宿和物流,激勵世界各地的女性企業家。在雜誌中,Anita 討論了 Logiscool 的起源,以及集團當前和未來的使命,為盡可能多的兒童帶來數位素養。您可以在此處閱讀該雜誌: https://www.global-franchise.com/reports/business -women-issue-6




Logiscool Earns Official Endorsement from ZUOV for Advancing Digital Competences and Logical Thinking in Serbia

We are happy to announce that ZUOV (Institute for the Advancement of Education and Teaching of the Republic of Serbia) has issued an official opinion that heralds Logiscool as a pivotal force in nurturing digital competences and fostering logical thinking through block programming within a visually immersive environment. This endorsement comes after a meticulous analysis of Logiscool's courses, "Digital Discovery" and "Blox Coding," and a comprehensive comparison with the official curriculum guidelines for teaching and learning in Serbia.

This official recognition underscores Logiscool's unwavering commitment to tailored education, offering age-appropriate content and knowledge levels, as it paves the way for a brighter, more digitally fluent future.

For in-depth information, the official documents can be accessed here:

